TISBI Launches Its Admission Campaign

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Unesco 17 may 2024

The Role of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in Sustainable Development of the Regions

The University of Management “TISBI” is a platform for panel discussions within KazanForum

Unesco 05 march 2024

Transition from Educational Environment to Educational Ecosystem for Sustainable Development

UNESCO international research and practice conference will be held at the University of Management “TISBI” during March 27-29, 2024.

University's life 18 april 2023

TISBI Won the Competition of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) Programme in the Republic of Tatarstan

The University took the 27th place and became one of the winners of the new acceleration programme for the 2023/2024 school year.

Society 11 june 2024

International Information and Communication Technology Forum

Nikolay Sinyak, Vice President of TISBI, took part in the jubilee “TIBO 2024” Forum in Minsk.

Sport 31 may 2024

International Competitions Taekwon-Do GTF Were Held in Argentina

German Ishmukhametov, student of the faculty of management, won 4 gold and 2 silver medals.

Право и юриспруденция 24 may 2024

The Faculty of Law Acted as an Official Opponent at the Defense of Dissertation on International Law

Alex Mezyaev, Prof. of the University of Management “TISBI”, acted as an official opponent at the Defense of Dissertation at the University of Western Cape.

University's life 24 may 2024

Training for UNESCO ASPnet Students

Centre for game practitioners “TISBI” held an event within the panel discussion of the International Economic Forum “Russia – Islamic World: KazanForum”.

Society 22 may 2024

Admission for Education in Serbia is Announced

The scholarship programme is focused on training and skills development Serbian state universities for 2024/2025 academic years.

Inclusive education 17 may 2024

Abilympics Is Held at the University of Management “TISBI”

This is a regional competition on professional skills among people with disabilities

University's life 18 april 2024

A Student-Focused Approach

Dmitriy Polyakov, Rector of the University of Management “TISBI”, had a meeting with foreign students.