

Learning to Know, to Do and to Live Together

Russia – Culture TV Channel aired a documentary dedicated to the 70th anniversary since Russia joined UNESCO.


World Hotel Chains: State and Trends

A business game was held at the department of social and cultural service and tourism.


International Photo Contest "UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Russia"

The goal of the International online photo and picture contest is to identify and support gifted and talented children and young people in the field of photo art, drawing and creativity


Development of Education through Artificial Intelligence

The University of Management “TISBI” held the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary since the USSR (Russia) joined UNESCO and the run-up BRICS Summit in Kazan


The Future Becomes Reality

International scientific and practical conference “Development of Education through Artificial Intelligence” will be held online at the University of Management “TISBI” on September 20, 2024.


The Role of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in Sustainable Development of the Regions

The University of Management “TISBI” is a platform for panel discussions within KazanForum


Gratitude for Organizing International Research and Practice Conference

The Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO expresses appreciation to TISBI for successfully hosting the event.


The Final Day of the International Research and Practice Conference

The event dedicated to the 70th anniversary since the USSR (Russia) joined UNESCO has come to an end at TISBI.


Transition from Educational Environment to Educational Ecosystem for Sustainable Development

UNESCO international research and practice conference will be held at the University of Management “TISBI” during March 27-29, 2024.


UNESCO-Russia Mendeleev International Prize in the Basic Science

The University of Management “TISBI” participated in the official ceremony which took place in the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Each Member of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network Is Unique

During the meeting, the directors and coordinators of Volga region had an opportunity to share their experience.


TISBI Turned into a Centre for an Exchange of Experience for Representatives of UNESCO ASPnet

The event was organized for the representatives of UNESCO ASPnet from Perm, Izhevsk, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk and Nizhny Tagil


Meeting of the Coordinating Committee of UNESCO Chairs in the Russian Federation at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Nella Pruss, head of the UNESCO Chair and president of TISBI, and Elvira Sadykova, deputy director of the UNESCO Chair took part in the event.


A Roundtable within the Framework of Training Programme

The heads and teachers of UNESCO ASPnet in Russia took part in the event.


Environmental Issues Are in the Focus

A training programme has started at the University of Management “TISBI”.


TISBI at the Youth Forum of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee

Students of the University of Management “TISBI” and TISBI College take part at the International Forum on December 5-9.


The Youth is Uniting to Solve the Problems of Preserving the Natural and Cultural Heritage

On October 9 – October 12, 2022, the XII International Youth Environmental Forum “One Planet - One Future!” was held in Khanty-Mansiysk. There were the participants from 10 regions of the Russian Federation.


TISBI will Host the UNESCO International Conference

The International Research and Practice Conference "Transformation of Learning Environment for a Sustainable Future" will take place on September 29 - October 1, 2022


National Council of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project

The meeting of the National Council of the UNESCO ASPnet was held at Global geopark “Yangan-Tau” in Bashkortostan


30th Anniversary of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University hosted the conference to celebrate 30th anniversary of the UNITWIN/UNESCO chairs programme: contribution to the development of education, science and culture.


Meeting of the Coordination Committee of UNESCO Chairs in the Russian Federation

The extraordinary session of the Coordination Committee of UNESCO Chairs in the Russian Federation was held at the University of Management “TISBI”.


Digital Tools for Teachers

The first stage of training course “Digital tools for teachers” has just been completed.


St. Petersburg International Educational Forum

The international forum on digital transformation takes place from the 17 to the 30 of March 2022 in St. Petersburg


The II All-Russian Engineering Heritage Competition

The Engineering Heritage Competition for students was dedicated to the World Engineering Day.