

International Information and Communication Technology Forum

Nikolay Sinyak, Vice President of TISBI, took part in the jubilee “TIBO 2024” Forum in Minsk.


Admission for Education in Serbia is Announced

The scholarship programme is focused on training and skills development Serbian state universities for 2024/2025 academic years.


TISBI at the International Stage in China

The Vice-President of the University took part in conference on health technologies and equipment within the framework of the III International Forum of Healthcare Management.


Winning the International Scientific Olympiad in Psychology and Pedagogy

The event was organized by the Society for Science and the Public and Kazan Federal University


Students of TISBI Took Part in the VIII Eastern Economic Forum

The events were held in the format of panel sessions, business dialogues and round tables.


TISBI at the International Forum of Ministers of Education “Shaping the Future”

The International Forum of Ministers of Education “Shaping the Future” has started in Kazan. The event was organized by the Ministry of Education of Russian and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan.


Youth Day at the X Nevsky International Ecological Congress

Maria Sarbaeva, senior lecturer of the department “Management and Entrepreneurship” and Anastasiia Batueva, student of the faculty of management took part in the event.


Student of TISBI Will Participate at an International Youth Event Abroad

The final presentation of the projects “Youth Ambassadors 6.0” was held at the Ministry of Youth of Tatarstan.


TISBI Entered the Top of the Ranking the Most Successful Graduates in Russia

13 universities of the Republic of Tatarstan were included into the ranking.


The IV International Forum and Exhibition “Clean Country” in Skolkovo

Evgeniya Utkina, the dean of the faculty of management, and Natalya Potapova, the associate dean of the faculty of management, took part at the Forum.


The VIII Russian-Chinese Volga-Yangtze Youth Forum

Vice-rectors and students of the University of Management “TISBI” took part in the Forum


The VIII International Translation Competition “NAOBOROT”

The Competition among students took place on November 11-14 in the Kazan State University of Culture and Arts


Professor of TISBI Appeared on South Africa TV Channel as an Invited Expert

Aleksandr Mezyaev, Professor of the University of Management “TISBI” was invited as a speaker at the national TV channel of South Africa.


Kazan Digital Week 2022

The International Forum Kazan Digital Week 2022 will be held on 21-24 September, 2022 in Kazan.


New Procedure for Entry of Foreign Citizens

Foreign citizens who enter Russia must pass medical examination, fingerprinting and photographing.


TISBI and the Kazan Kremlin Have Set the Potential of Cooperation

The delegation from the University of Management “TISBI” headed by Aleksey Lopatin, the Rector, visited the Kazan Kremlin.


Cooperation with the International University of Tajikistan

Mahira Kadyrova, the Associate Professor of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, visited the University of Management "TISBI".


The University of Management “TISBI” is Participating in the International Business Incubator.

The International Youth Business Incubator is taking place in Kazan from 21 to 25 December 2021.


Aleksey Lopatin: “Give an Additional Impetus”

Aleksey Lopatin, rector of the University of Management “TISBI”, gave details about true and false values of higher education.


The University of Management “TISBI” is a Participant in the International Project

TISBI joined the advancing circular economy in partner countries by development and implementation of master’s programme “Waste Management” project.


The XXVI International Symposium on Psychological Issues of the Meaning of Life and Acme

The Fifth Kazakhstan youth section of the International Symposium on Psychological Problems of Meaning of Life and Acme took place online in Almaty


Rector of the University of Management “TISBI” was Awarded the L. S. Vygotsky Medal

The awards ceremony was held at the Office of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan.


School for Activists by Assembly of Tourist Volunteers

Student of the faculty of humanities of the University of Management “TISBI” took part in a career and educational session.


Hospitality Courses

The University of Management “TISBI” took part in online conference “Hospitality Courses”