The VIII International Translation Competition “NAOBOROT”

Society 09 december 2022

The Competition among students took place on November 11-14 in the Kazan State University of Culture and Arts

The department of methodology and universal competencies technologies was the organizer of the event.

The aim of the competition is the popularization of Russian, Tatar and West-European writes and introduction to the heritage of native and world literature, translation culture.

There were about 400 participants. Among them were school children, students of colleges and universities of Kazan as well as foreign students of the Kazan State University of Culture and Arts.

The form of the competition was in person and in absentia. Students from Indonesia, Italy, Latvia, Mongolia and Tajikistan submitted the applications.

Among the winners and prize-winners were the participants from the University of Management “TISBI”:

  • Elina Aitova, Timur Rakhimov, Alena Savincheva, Marat Saifullin won in the poetic text translation nomination
  • Dariya Kostycheva, Ekaterina Frolova, Valentin Ivanov won in the in the prose writing translation nomination
  • Lyubov Galiullina won in the semantic translation nomination

Congratulations to students and teachers with a decent result!

competition foreign language