The first webinar “The Experience of Implementing of Distance Learning for the UNESCO Associated Schools Project in the Russian Federation” was held. The webinar was a part of project implementation at the virtual platform.
There were about 400 participants form 29 regions of Russia.
The idea of creation of virtual platform for distance learning was presented by Nella Pruss, the Rector of the University of Management “TISBI”, Member of the Coordinating Committee of UNESCO Chairs in the Russian Federation and ASPnet National Coordinator in the Russian Federation.
The University of Management “TISBI” has developed the basis and generated the materials for the implementation of the project in a short time.
We will exchange experience in organizing and implementing the distance learning in the UNESCO Associated Schools and we will publish a compendium of best practices for those who will not have an opportunity to take part in online seminar. Nella Pruss the Rector of the University of Management “TISBI”
This idea of creation of virtual platform was highly appreciated by the Executive Bodies of UNESCO and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan such as Grigory Ordzhonikidze, the Secretary-General of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, Yuriy Zinchenko, the President of the Russian Academy of Education, Rafis Burganov, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan and others.
During the webinar, participants were presented successful experiences, best practices, resources and practices of organizing training within the framework of UNESCO activities. The implementation of educational programs using distance learning technologies was one of the topical issues.
The participants of the webinar had been developing proposals for creation of joint virtual projects in order to support and promote ideas of UNESCO. Some of them will be implemented in the near future.
Recording of “The Experience of Implementing of Distance Learning for the UNESCO Associated Schools Project in the Russian Federation” webinar