Nella Pruss, the Rector of the University of Management “TISBI”, Vice Chairman of the Coordinating Committee of UNESCO Chairs in the Russian Federation and UNESCO ASPnet National Coordinator of the Russian Federation took part in the work of the Committee.
The RUDN University Rector Vladimir Filippov, who is the Chairman of the Committee on educational programmes, hosted the meeting at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
The progress on implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was discussed and the Voluntary National Review (VNR) of Russia was scrutinized.
Much attention was paid to undergraduate and postgraduate education. The participants deliberated upon the effective mechanisms of obtaining a postgraduate education.
The overriding priority of our University is to ensure and enhance a high-quality and accessible education for all. This is an imperative of the Sustainable Development Goals set by UNESCO. Today the University of Management “TISBI” offers various educational programmes that are available via distance learning, which meets modern education trends. Nella Pruss UNESCO ASPnet National Coordinator of the Russian Federation, Head of the International UNESCO Chair, Head of the UNEVOC Centre at the University of Management “TISBI”, Rector of the University of Management “TISBI”
It is important to note that the Institute for Continuing Education has been working at the University of Management “TISBI” for more than 20 years. The organization has been developing and implementing the educational programs for adults. The TISBI Institute for Continuing Education provides supplementary education for about 2000 students a year. As a result, the number of adults taking supplementary education increased by 70% in 2019 (as compared to 2018).