A new model of inclusive education for the visually impaired is being developed at the testing site in the Republic of Tatarstan. The implementation of the cluster approach should be used here.
The initiative has been implementing since January 2020. It will be continued until December 2025. The studying of innovative methods in the organization of inclusive education in Russia and abroad, the development of recommendations on choosing a profession for the visually impaired are conducted in the first stage of the initiative. There will be the analysis of existing practice at the Republic of Tatarstan, the availability of educational services for disabled people and children with visual impairment under the second stage. The final stage will include a description of the experience and research in the All-Russian scientific and methodological journal “Inclusion in Education”, the publication of recommendations and monographs on work with visually impaired people.
The initiative is aimed at the improvement of inclusive education and employment opportunities for the disabled. We strive to create conditions so that they feel as valued members of society that they are. Elena Melina Head of the Resource Center for Education of Disabled People in Volga Federal District
The relevance of this initiative is that each member of society should take a proactive attitude in life and contribute to the political, economic and social development of society. But the people with disabilities find it difficult to cope with this task. As they experience the difficulty in lifelong learning and partial availability for professional education.