Abilympics Is Held at the University of Management “TISBI”

This is a regional competition on professional skills among people with disabilities

Abilympics is an international movement whose priority is providing vocational guidance and promoting employment for people with disabilities aged 14 and above. The movement is also called Olympics of opportunities.

Regional competition on professional skills “Abylimpics” is an annual event on various kinds of professional activities, which helps to evaluate the level of competence and their willingness to employment. The winners of regional competition will have an opportunity to take part in national one.

This year, Abilympics in Russia celebrates 10 years anniversary. Regional competitions should become a discussion platform for solving current issues of vocational training for people with disabilities, a platform for testing new inclusive practices, career guidance and employment, a platform for creating a tolerant, inclusive environment.

The University of Management “TISBI” provides 8 competences among them 5 are regional: “Psychology”, “Interpreter”, “Document management”, “Museology”, “Organization of excursion services”, and 3 are national: “Sign language”, “Printmaking”, “Banking”.

Venue: The University of Management “TISBI”, 13 Mushtari Str., Kazan.

The opening ceremony will be held at 09:00 on May 16, 2024.

abylimpics regional competition disabled people