The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was established on November 16, 1945 and its Headquarters is located in Paris, France. The organization has 67 offices and units located in various parts of the world.

The UNESCO Charter was adopted at the London Conference in November 1945 and entered into force on November 4, 1946 after the deposition of acts of acceptance by the 20 signatory states. Currently UNESCO has 193 member states and 11 associate members.

The main aim of UNESCO is to contribute to the strengthening of peace and security by enhancing the cooperation of people in the fields of education, science and culture in the interest of ensuring universal respect for justice, the rule of law and human rights, as well as the fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the United Nations Charter, inherent to all human beings, without distinction as to race, gender, language, religion.

In order to fulfill its mandate, UNESCO has five main functions:

  • Advance research: what forms of education, science, culture and communication are needed in tomorrow's world?
  • Promotion, sharing and exchange of knowledge: relying mainly on research, training and teaching.
  • Statutory and policy: preparation and adoption of international acts and binding recommendations.
  • Provision of expert services: to Member States to determine their development policies and projects in the form of <technical cooperation>.
  • Exchange of customized information.