TISBI Took Part in the Best Educational Programmes of Innovative Russia

Admissions 30 may 2023

The project is focused on identifying the programmes, which are a vote of confidence of the academic, professional and student communities.

The result of the project is an annual reference book “The Best Educational Programmes of Innovative Russia” in Russian and English.

The reference book is widely used by foreign applicants to get more detailed information on educational programmes in the Russian Federation.

Programmes-winners of the University of Management “TISBI”:

  • Applied computer Science (bachelor’s degree)
  • Economics (bachelor’s degree)
  • Management (bachelor’s degree)
  • Jurisprudence (bachelor’s degree)
  • Service (bachelor’s degree)
  • Psychological and Pedagogical Education (bachelor’s degree)
  • Economics (master’s degree)
  • Finance and Credit (master’s degree)
  • Economic Security (specialist’s degree)

We are beginning our Admission Campaign already on June 1st. The applicants can get more detailed information here.

The applicants can apply for admission via TISBI online platform; gosuslugi.ru; in person at 13 Mushtari street, Kazan, Russia or by sending the documents by the postal service to the following address: 13 Mushtari street, Kazan, 420012, Russia.

accreditation in education best programmes