Russian Language Olympiad for Foreign Students

Society 10 november 2020

Students of the University of Management “TISBI” took part in the Olympiad of the Russian Language organized by Committee of children and Youth Affairs.

Foreign Students of the University of Management “TISBI” participated in the event. All of them showed worthwhile results.

I am from Kyrgyzstan, but I’ve studied at Russian school. That is why I would like to check up my knowledge! Also I would like to get to know foreign students from other Universities of Kazan. Diana Yusupova student of the faculty of humanities

Olympiad was held online and included several tasks. The first task included lexical and grammatical test on “Kahoot!” platform. The second was creative and linguistics. The participants had to write an essay on one of the topics.

The winners were 12 foreign students. Diana Yusupova won the 3rd place among undergraduate students.

students competition